Meditation Spot

Meditation Spot
My Meditation Spot

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Mad Man Inside Me

 There’s a madman inside me

Ranting and pounding against an old wooden door

The hinges are old green brass

The knob of glass with swirls of crystalline whimsy

The madman hammers his fists against the door

..and I pause before I ask

“Who is there?”

My voice sounds hollow as I ask

For I know the answer 

He answers me only with a soft cry 

“Let me in,” he sighs

“But I don’t know you” says the hollow voice

And with an intake of air I twist the knob

And there he stands, shaggy and forlorn 

Gaunt with hunger and wracked by thirst

His lips cracked and his hair matted 

Grey and cold soaked covered in rags

“What do you want?”Asks the hollow voice

“What do you want?” I ask.

“I want you to see me, I want you to feel me, to remember who I am” he said.

“But you are me”, I say plain and clear. “I know you are here all the time” I say.

“Then why don’t you feed me?” He asks sublime. “Why have you hidden me from the sun?”

“Why are you wearing those old grey rags? Why only dance in the moonlight?” I ask. 

I know the answer, but still ask again, and no answer comes from his cold lips. 

He turned then and stepped softly away from my door, stepped into the dark of the moon.

I closed the door softly with hardly a thought as the sun chased the dark from the sky. 

It occurred to me, as he stepped away, as the door closed behind him and he disappeared into the darkness, it occurred to me then, the madman I'd seen, was none other than the mad man, who was actually me. 

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