Meditation Spot

Meditation Spot
My Meditation Spot

Monday, March 16, 2015

A Sacred Key: A clearer understanding of vibration

 I realized this weekend (@ Luminous Soul Intensive with Manorama) how mantra is the key, the entire universe is vibration, creation was spoken in to existence... OM is the primordial sound from which everything was set into motion (again vibration!)  and the chanting of sanskrit aligns us with that primordial creative force…our bodies are thought constructs of the mind. Seeing is the mind making sense of the surrounding energetic environment in which we find ourselves, nothing is actually here (in an absolute sense), we aren’t actually here.  We are elsewhere. Our highest self reamains immersed in the blue sky of eternal bliss floating on a giant lotus blossom sitting and dreaming of being where we think (in the mind) we are, and are not. 

Just a dream. Nothing to attain. Nothing to gain. Nothing to understand or explain.  

Feeling the vibration opens the possibility of waking up. Like hearing the alarm clock. The mantra is that, it’s the alarm clock ringing, saying “Time to Wake Up!”. 

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