Meditation Spot

Meditation Spot
My Meditation Spot

Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Island of the Source


She turned her gaze towards me, eyes beaming, 

With love fierce and tender and majestic and terrible. 

I stared deep into her eyes as we sat there on the beach 

Only the waves and the wind and the sea knew our presence

Her wild hair, as the wind blew through it... became an alpine forest as I watched, giving off the scent of pine needles and fresh rain as she lay down upon the sand tossing her head back with joy

I looked on in stunned amazement while her body became an island. The waters in waves around her. Her feet melt into the sand, knees rising from the sea like a great promontory hill as her hair on the sand spread wide… a forest arose, green and fresh, from her scalp, 

Her shoulders tower upward, cliffs of stone in the cool morning air. Her head lay back and her laughter filled the sky. Her mouth opened wide into a passage between the mountains.  

Great, deep and luminous eyes …twin mountain lakes, cerulean blue and indigo, cool clear water flows out and down,  overflowing with tears of laughter: feeding mountain streams, the sound transforming into the joyful giggle of the water over the rocks. Fish leap from the water, dancing momentarily in the sunshine in the clear mountain air before returning into the deep blue mystery of the clear waters.

Her neck at a sharp angle gives the steep drop, a river of tears, born of pure, abundant joy, overflow down her body, a waterfall cascading over her chin, then down between her breasts. 

From  the depths of her womb, a single drop of fertile liquid issues forth, physical manifestation of pure cosmic pleasure. That single droplet falls to the earth and life erupts. A river explodes from the sacred ground at the very spot where it falls. 

Lotus blossoms rise to the surface of the river, purple and sweet with the scent of her. 

The pine forest of her hair spills out wide, spreading across the valleys, green and spacious, across her stomach and the curves of her hips running down into the sea; the trees grow tall, protected from the sun’s heat by the soft curve of her buttocks rising like soft shaped dome mountains, giving shadows to the depths of the forest floor. 

The oceans waves break against her skin, Winds blow and the waters began to sing, 

…the fish leapt and the world dreamed!

… you fell into slumber Oh Mother of the world! 

I wait until your eyes open again and once more cut me down with their ferocious love….Oh Holy Mother of us all! 

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