Meditation Spot

Meditation Spot
My Meditation Spot

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Pain & Power

 Pain & Power

She sat there with her pain and her power. The past few days had shown her how far she had gone, how far she was from her mundane life. She had dedicated so many years, so many years of study and practice, so many years to master her magic….

Yet, the call of a “normal” life still drew her like a siren’s song. It drew her, she knew, because it was something she would never know. Not now, not after opening the doors within her soul that let the energies run free. She felt the emotions rise within her, felt her control slipping in that moment. A moment of realization that she would never be normal. The arc of her life could never fit into the mundane motions of ordinary. 

She looked at her fingers as the inner flame blazed forth  into an outward fire. The flames dancing with her fingers. She shed a single tear then, a single tear for what she knew now. That she could never be ordinary, never know the simple pleasures of a normal life. The flames dancing from her palms were proof enough of her magic. She sat silently surrounded by the snow, the wind blew and the earth was silent. She turned towards the sun and felt it’s soft warmth as the wind blew around her. She steeled herself as she turned to rise from her seat, steeled herself for what she now knew for certain would be a high and lonely destiny. 

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