Meditation Spot

Meditation Spot
My Meditation Spot

Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Ancients

They were the first. They arrived, in a shimmer of light across the waters. Gliding across the surface skimming across the water to a gradual stop their feet settled softly upon the land. 

They came. Not from another world, but from the world behind this one. Moving through density they settled into our ancient earth’s vibration and became known in times future as The Ancients. 

At first they created from their minds whatever they desired. They had no need of food, no need of water. For them the water was for gazing, watching the ebb and flow of the seas as they rock up and down in time with the Moon. This was their favorite pastime. 

They formed animals from the residue of their body. As Parvati created Ganesha, as El created Adam, and then Eve. 

No one knows what drew them to this world, was it the natural beauty? Or did they respond to some deeper calling? To the voice of Gaia herself speaking to them in whispers across the multiverse of vibration. 

They came, and they created. They remained undisturbed, unchanging and unchanged, creating, destroying, dreaming, imagining and creating again. Their thoughts would manifest in an instant into the brilliant light of day. They knew no fear for they drew their sustenance from the other worlds, their original homes. 

They lived on sunshine and travelled on the moonbeams. Their creations were of little concern to them, certainly they made humans and other animals who all lived together in perfect balance. Unlike the Ancients, their creations, perhaps because they were formed of the soil of this world, required food and drink. 

The Ancients themselves did not experience time.  They witnessed time passing, but , because they are immortal, the passing of time gives no season to them. They remained as they had arrived, unchanging, unceasing, eternal. 

But it was not so for their creations. Over time the life spans of their creations began to wane. More and more humans came to be, more and more creatures being born, the Ancients noticed that the nature of their creations had changed. As their numbers grew they became increasingly hostile towards one another, and more and more demanding of  help. 

They would ask for more and more. They prayed and pleaded to the Ancients to make changes to the planet, the weather, the water, food, gold,..their demands seemed to ever increase. 

“We need to get away from these creatures, they are incapable of self-sufficiency and their demands never cease. We hear their voices constantly, we have no time for our natural state of Beingness, or for making new life. We will leave this world and go to a higher vibration. We are being pulled into the lower vibrations with their demands.”  

And they did, they left us,  now we call them Gods.

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