Meditation Spot

Meditation Spot
My Meditation Spot

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Aquarius She Comes

Aquarius She Comes

Oh! you mighty Age of Aquarius!

Running through the fields 

 a giant, dancing, naked woman

Beautiful, strong and drunk on green wine

With her long red hair trailing behind her 

Her feet kick over the stones of the hills

As she dances!

Exposing the dark underneath

Hardly stopping as the serpents and scorpions scurry away

 for fear of exposure to the bright light of Day!

She gives no pause, and dances on!

Yet, they terrify those of us closer to the ground,

And she dances on through the night and into the Day

Unafraid and unwavering.  

Fulfilled in her dance she changes time

For the present and future of all humankind! 

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