Meditation Spot

Meditation Spot
My Meditation Spot

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

A Visitor in the Night


I was sick, sick with the plague that had raged across the world for neigh on two years then. It started with a cough and then a tiredness that sapped the strength from bone and sinew and I did what I always do when ill, went to bed and tried to sleep. Sleep I did for a day and a night and another day. No appetite, no energy, no strength. I awoke for short periods to drink a little water perhaps, or just lie there exausted for a time before again lapsing into black oblivion devoid of dream or thought save the random thought that crossed the fevered mind wondering if I would survive yet another illness. The stories of this plague darkened my mind in those moments and though I was only tired then, still I wondered if the symptoms were only a precurser to a stronger sickness. 

In the dark of that second night, as I lay in bed in a fitful, feverish sleep, I became aware of a large lion in my room. I sat up then, though my body remained reclined, I saw in the darkness a flaming lion walking up to the side of my bed. A male lion, his mane was a crown of flame, his eyes a blue fire. I felt the heat radiating at me as he stood there by the bed. Then he stood up on his hind legs and I realized he stood straight like a man. He wore a harness from which hung a pair of curved swords. I recognized the swords. They are called khopesh and were the swords used by the warriors of long ago. The warriors of Ancient Egypt. I knew then who he was, or I guessed at who he might be. Maahes! the guardian protector of the Pharaoh. It was that moment, the moment I recognized him that he spoke. 

"I will heal you if you wish, you have just to say the word and I can enter you and heal you,"he said. His voice was deep and melodious. Like he was singing. 

"Yes, I will accept your help, but you will have to tell me how it is I should repay your kindness?" I replied.

"Tell the story is all I ask, tell the story as I am almost forgotten. I was once known to many but now I am almost forgotten." he said. 

With that he burst into a pure red flame and I felt the heat enter my body. It didnt feel like a fever, it felt like spontaneous combustion, as though the flames would melt my bones and reduce my poor body to ashes. After a few minutes the flame went out, or I passed out. 

I awoke in the morning at my usual time before the sunrise.  It was still dark and I moved from the bed and went to find a writing pad to write down this dream (if dream it was?!). When the sun rose I stepped out the back door to see the first rays of the sunrise and realized the plague was gone from my body. I still felt a little weak but I was able to eat and I didn't return to bed until my usual bed time. I went through that day feeling the fire within me. The feeling of the fire stayed with me for a couple days before it slowly dissipated. I was healed. 

I tried to do a little research about Maahesh but found little on the internet about him. He wasn't forgotten, he was once the protector of the ancient kings, but there was little else about him I could find. He hasn't returned to me since that encounter and I write this to fulfill my promise to him. I am sharing the story. I was healed by Maahesh. But what more he may have in store for me, if anything, is yet to be revealed. 

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