Meditation Spot

Meditation Spot
My Meditation Spot

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

I Saw a Bit of Magic Today!

I saw a bit of magic today. I was walking in the woods and came to a cross-roads in the trail. Having been there about 6 months before, I noticed a slight shift in the inner sound when I stood in a certain spot.

I stood there, on that spot, waiting and watching, and I began chanting the Gayatri softly to myself.

I soon noticed a movement on the trail about 50 yards ahead of me, I continued to watch as two foxes stepped out of the brush and began to play together in the middle of the trail. They stopped, and must have felt my eyes on them, then turned towards me and looked straight at me as they began to walk towards me down the trail.

I kept chanting softly to myself...

One of the foxes turned and ran the other direction, then the other turned and ran away....away from the strange human that dared stand on their path. Suddenly, one of the pair turned and started running towards me,

I kept chanting ...

He came within about 50 feet of where I stood watching,  calmly following his progress along the path...Then he swerved left into the weeds and disappeared into the woods...Gone as quickly and easily as they had first appeared...all without a sound....only the gentle sound of my own breath and chanting...

I continued chanting the Gayatri as I walked down the path away from where the two foxes had been...chanting softly then I felt a part of nature, a part of my surroundings, I walked on into the dark of the forest scanning the sides of the path for any signs of wildlife.

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