Meditation Spot

Meditation Spot
My Meditation Spot

Monday, August 29, 2022


The Shaman awoke early that morning. The darkness surrounded him as he pulled his robe on and pouring water into a bowl splashed his face. He stretched his arms and stepped out of his his small hut. He stared at the glowing embers of the previous night's fire. He reached down and gathered his drum and beater. Leaning over he warmed the drum, his hands and his face by the fire's embers. 

He stood up and stretched his hands towards the sky, and holding the beater gently in his hand he struck the drumhead with a single sonorous "Thrum!". His feet left the ground and he moved softly into the still dark sky towards the stars that hung above in an endless canopy of soft light. He spoke softly to the wind as he rose higher, then breaking past the air of his small planet he flew on through the space between the galaxies. No sound was heard, but vibrations and waves like gentle tremors moved through his body. He knew the power of the One creator, he held his head up and steered his course towards the distant Hunter. He saw in the distance a bright red star and he set his course towards it. As the great red giant came closer and closer, he turned then, beginning to slow and soon recognised the yellow glow of the new star who's satellite had now come to fruition and was ready to receive the gifts of order and life. 

He struck the drum again, and his flight shifted, almost falling, towards the yellow sun. Turning as he reached the perimeter of the blue planet's orbit path, his flight slowed and soon he saw the blue seas of the new planet. No land could be seen, only blue ocean welcomed his as he rapidly decended now towards the surface. He struck the drum once more, and his speed slowed to a crawl, he was gently falling now, falling towards the Earth. He again spoke to the wind when first he felt it brush against his face. The Sun held just over the horizon as he hung there, mear inches from the surface of the perfectly still water. His arrival hardly stirring the water's surface.

Looking around he saw only the unbroken blue of the sea as it streched out in all four directions. He turned to face the Sun as it rose above the water and began to beat the drum, a summons to the elemental forces that until that moment had lain dormant under the waters. From the deep he heard the echos of the whale song. They had already arrived from the depths of space. He imagined them playing beneath the surface, swimming deep below the surface. As he again struck the drum he heard the echo of their song as they swam as a unit towards the rising Sun. He heard the call of the whales in the deep and turned around, facing away from the Sun rise. 

Striking the drum again the sea began to roil. He saw great schools of fish swim beneath him and as the last of them passed beneath his shadow he beat the drum again and the blue waters began to recede and dry land rose above the surface. He floared then above the ground and drifted over the newly formed land. Now he flew faster and at intervals he would hit the drum and shout towards the ground and a great depression would appear in the Earth. These would become lakes. He flew and hit the drum two beats as mountains rose from the Earth beneath him as he went by. 

Then he flew up with the land. He looked out, hanging there just above the mountain tops. He struck the drum again. From his high lookout he saw the greening of the Earth begin to rise. Trees came from the ground and quickly grew to their full height. As he watched the world went from empty plains and mountains to a beautiful forest. Trees sprang down the mountainsides and green plants danced into bloom across the meadows. 

He beat the drum again and the sky teamed with birds of every color and size. Great condors flew towards the southern mountains, the eagles to the northern steppe, hawks circled high and flocks of crows darkened the skies overhead. Songs of the songbirds could be heard in the treetops. Giant dragonflies flew above the treetops and bees began their eternal buzzing searching the young flowers for nectar to make honey. The sounds of nature exploded onto the Earth and the Shaman could hear the sound of their joy as he hung their above the trees, his nostrils tasting the sweet mountain air as this new world spang to life beneath him.

Great lizards walked the Earth for a short time. They ate and fought and died beneath the shining Sun and their deaths returned them to the ground. All the creatures multiplied, lived and died and the ground grew rich with the addition of their bodies. Soon death walked among the beasts. The land split apart and the wind blew the endless ocean across the face of the young planet.        

It was then he opened his mouth and raised his song to the cosmos. His call deep and sonorous, echoed across galaxies. The Call was heard and many answered. The Call to all Beings to came and join this new world. The Star Tribes came from all the directions of the deep sky souls responded to the Call of the shaman's sacred song. Ancient light beings, coalessed from the fabric of starlight came to the Earth. Gathered to wonder at the beauty of the new creation. Travelling through the vastness of space in the twinkling of an eye on wings faster than thought itself. Together they arrived and were soon quickened by the light of the young Sun. 

Many came and basked in the glory of the new creation for a time, then returned to their own abodes. Many stayed and joined in the creation of the New Earth. Those who stayed built bodies from the dust of the ground, ate the green plants and drank the clear water and settled their vibration into alignment with the heart of this new planet. They ceased their wandering and called the Earth their home. Over time, long aeons, the stones became their bones, the wind their breath,  and the sea waters their blood. They would bask in the Sun and the light of the Moon and soon discovered the joys of physical union. The animals, the plants and the people all brought forth young and the bodies of their young matched those of their parents. The Sacred Drummer again called out into the Universe. Soon new souls arrived waiting to be embodied into the paradise that was the Earth.  

And so it is that this began. Life spread across the Earth. Many of those who came to inhabit the planet came from among the Star Peoples. In those days the Earth was half covered by water and half covered by land. The Shaman looked out over the world. Looked upon the multitude he had called from the stars and the bodies they had built for themselves to stay and live on the Earth. He saw that all was in balance and his work there was now complete. He beat the great drum again and this time he rose into the sky over Earth. He gained speed as he left the sweet air of the mountains behind, he gained speed as he crossed the chasm between the stars, past the familiar constellations, into the outer dark. Still he sped onward, until the outer darkness became brilliant light again. He turned his course to more familiar planets and soon saw his home shining brightly bathed in the light of a yellow giant star. The warmth of his home star melted the shell he had been contained in and as he began to slow his flight to make his descent onto his home planet the last of the shell burned away leaving nothing but his inner fire. 

If we had been watching with human eyes we would have thought he had burnt up in reentry, but for the Shaman the burning away felt welcome, freeing, a return to his normal state of being. He slowed to stop as he approached his ground and gently landed in the soft light of his home. There he drifted for a time restoring his energy. The calming waves of light soothed him and when he was ready he put on a new body of light and walked down the familiar path on his way to speak with the Creator.  

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