Meditation Spot

Meditation Spot
My Meditation Spot

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

A Morning Meditation

Morning Meditation

From the still of the morning

Into the blueness of the sky

Brown eyes the ground from where my soul pushes off

Soaring up, relieved of the weight

Cool winds of change cover

As mysterious trajectory

Fast air breaks across

Suns and stars melt into flight 

Chains broken 

Worlds shattered

Burnt to dust all that once was

What remains, unthought,

Unmanifest unlived

Time as a line unsegmented 

Time as a field untouched

The openness of that green fertile field

Is fertility waiting upon our passing?

The footsteps of the gardener 

The required fertilizer. 

The imagination of creations yet unborn

Looking to Light, 

Ground still untrod 'neath the holy steps of the Wholly Human.

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