Meditation Spot

Meditation Spot
My Meditation Spot

Monday, November 29, 2021

Bury Me Deep

Bury me deep beneath a stone, under the ground and all alone.

For it is not there I shall reside but above the treetops flying high

Tossed free in the wind, my hair weaving storms, my voice rolling thunder, 

my eyes flash with lightning, my breath the sea waves,

My  old body it rots,  lying there in the grave.

Bury me deep beneath a stone under the ground and all alone.

For it is not there my Spirit resides, in the halls of the living soon no memory survives.

In the far north by the frozen sea foam the chilling snows fall and build me a throne

The ice and the snow, the wind and the cold,  are all that shall there be left of my soul.

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