Meditation Spot

Meditation Spot
My Meditation Spot

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Another Meeting at 4 AM

Red rooves kiss the blue sky, like the lips of angels uplifted to the heavens.
With a strength rooted deep in the ground,
I ride the wind to that place where sea and sky meet the never ending  horizon.

Caught in a battle with the Sun
I struggle against the bindings tugging downward;
Holding me to the Earth.

Alone at last with the sea; the stars; and infinite opening worlds:
                  Golden orbs of light lap like waves
                  Drifting me inwards
                  Floating towards an eternal peaceful shore.

Alone, but not separated from the pulsing light and the roar of the deep, brilliant waters.

I wait upon the voice of the eternal,
Speaking to me in a soft tone.
Saying "...we are never alone, just unable to See
the Waves as they break upon us one by one."

Watching while the Dove of Peace flies along beside me.
Moving swiftly across the diamond-turquoise waters,
That carry me farther and deeper into the divine embrace.

Wondering from where this scintillating light (that now blazes inside my body) originates?
From where to where?

Seemingly boundless; past mete and measure.

Brilliant light, burning, cleansing my heart with an unceasing fire.

I burn to ashes as the brilliance of the sky rises to envelop my awareness; the ashes merge into the blue sea and dancing light crystals...


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